English 12 with Mr. Goss

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Shooting Rats and Writing Posts

Please go to the following link.
Shooting Rats at the Bibb County Dump

In your own blog, I would like you to respond to the poem
Shooting Rats at the Bibb County Dump, by David Bottoms.

Please title your blog and include a quotation from the poem (be sure to credit Mr. Bottoms).

Be sure to:
-Read through the poem two times or more.

-Think about any background knowledge that you have that will help you connect to the people, animals, and/or objects in the poem.

-Make a picture in your head of what is happening in the poem.

-Write down in your blog what you think the poem is discussing.

-Discuss theme, plot, and irony (and again, be sure to include textual evidence and any background information you might have.

Remember, this is your blog and many other will be reading it. Write something that makes you proud.

Lastly, read and respond to at least two posts your classmates wrote.


Blogger Jordan said...

Where do we find our classmates blogs???

12:29 PM  

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